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Hi, I'm Emily Coldwell

I'm so glad you're here.


I'm a counsellor practicing on Lekwungen territory (Victoria BC), I use she/they pronouns and practice from a client-led, feminist-lens. My practice is primarily informed by narrative therapy and ACT, which essentially means that I am a huge nerd about how we live into our values, and about how we tell the story of ourselves. 

I have a great deal of experience working with grief and loss, neurodiversity, queer folks, burnout, youth and adults, creativity, and empowerment.

Background and Education

I come from a facilitation background working with youth using activism and the arts to empower young people, help them find their voices, and to form a life-long alliance with themselves. In this work I was privileged to hear many stories of resilience and heartache from youth and staff alike, which solidified my intention to become a counsellor to better hold these stories. I have also seen how transformative art and creativity can be, and am excited to weave this into my practice as things bloom.



Masters in Counselling Psychology, City University of Seattle (2024)

Therapy with Neurodivergent Clients: A Trauma Informed Somatic Approach, Nyck Walsh, The Leading Edge (2024)

Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders – Considerations for Affirming Care, Sheena’s Place (2024)

Foundations, Vancouver School for Narrative Therapy (2023)

Intro to Nature Based Therapy, Human Nature Counselling (2023)

Gottman Level 1, Gottman Institute (2023)

Community Capacity Building, Simon Fraser University (2021)

Death Companioning Community Course, School of American Thanatology (2020)

Heart of Facilitation, Center for Equity and Inclusion and Partners for Youth Empowerment (2018)



Who's that in the background?

In case we are ever in a virtual session and you think to yourself "what is that strange sound?" it is almost undoubtably Cricket or Ladybird. Neither are trained nor licensed in the field of mental health but they do their best to help where they can. 

Let's get started

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